jeudi 16 janvier 2014

Choosing An Anime Reviewer For You

By Marissa Velazquez

When you are looking for an anime reviewer it helps to know both aspects of what anime is and what a reviewer is. This will help you to find the ideal people who will provide the kind of people who will give you the kind of review you want for the films and TV shows that you are likely to enjoy.

First of all anime covers a broad range of genres. In simple terms it is a form of Japanese animation. It can cover everything from Hitchcock style thrillers to charming stories for children that evoke classic Disney. While some people may have certain ideas of what this kind of animation represents it is surprisingly diverse.

When reading a review think about who is writing it. Consider their personal bias and preference. While some people may want plenty of action and conflict in a story other people may prefer something gentler with more subtly and subtext. While people often associate anime with action it is worth noting that there are a lot of different stories available.

Another concern people may have is with adult material. While it is true there are controversial and mature themes this is not always the case. As with any form of film or television series there ought to be certification and any review should clearly state how adult the material is.

When choosing a reviewer a professional may not necessarily be the best option. Given the broad range of stories available you need to look at a broad range of opinions. Over time you should then be able to detect who has a similar interest in the kind of stories you want to see.

Some reviewers will use rating systems while others may simply write the review without stars or numbers. Broadly speaking the system of reviewing tends to be either a star rating out of five or assessing out of ten. With these systems lower numbers indicate a low opinion while higher numbers suggest something is brilliant and well worth your attention. While a one star or five star review is clear pay attention to any three star reviews. Think whether or not the reviewer has a personal bias and try to read between the lines!

The simple fact is that it is impossible to watch every television series or film ever made. Furthermore everything you watch tends to involve an investment of time and money. This is why it helps to read reviews or watch review shows as this will give you a better chance of finding something you want to see. There is no guarantee that you will always agree with a reviewer but you can usually find at least one who will be reasonably in sync with your personal preferences.

Another good thing with reading an anime reviewer is often it can be entertaining to read a review in and of itself. There are also podcasts to listen to or video shows that can also be pleasing. Look online to get recommendations for different reviewers and to find the best ones that work for you as well as learning a bit more about the wide array of stories and genres available in the world of anime.

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